Teil 3 : Define Autonaming

Tasks in this chapter

  • Define a Number Generator
  • Modify the 'Create Dictionary' command
  • Translate the GUI




Disclaimer :


This document only reflects personal experience and is not an official documentation.

All product and company names are trademarks of their respective owners.



The mechanism to automatically create an object name is very simple.

ENOVIA V6 has two business object types named  'eService Object Generator' and 'eService Number Generator' to create an autonaming convention.


Create an Object and Number Generator in MATRIX

You will find all information about this point on web page:

{Documentation Installdirectory}/B211doc/English/DteAdminMap/dte-c-schemaconfigure.htm#dte-c-schemaconfigure


{Documentation Installdirectory}/B211doc/English/DteAdminMap/dte-t-businessobjectautoname-configure.htm#dte-t-businessobjectautoname-configure


To create an autonumbering you only have to create an object based on 'eService Object Generator' named with the type-name you want to create a numbering for. In our example for the Dictionary the name is 'type_Dictionary'.

For the revision, we use 'A SingleCount'. This is important for further steps in this documentation !!

In the next dialog we dedicate the new Generator to the policy which governed that type.

In our case it is 'policy_Dictionary'

Define the desired pre- and or suffix for your number generator.

To create the number itself you also need a new object based on 'eService Number Generator'.

Here it is the same. Create the name regarding your type. For our Dictionary it is also 'type_Dictionary'.

Define the number.

Then connect both objects together with the Relationship 'eService Number Generator'

(from  Object Generator to Number Generator)

That's all.

Use AutoName in emxCreate.JSP


For our website add the 'Create Dictionary' command to 'nameField=autoName'


The result in the Create-Page will be:

Translate the Key to plaintext


To translate the entry to plain text, ENOVIA V6 use the 'Registered Suite' - properties files. In Part 2 we have created the web form and set 'Registered Suite' to 'framework' and therefore ENOVIA V6 uses the 'emxFrameworkStringResource.properties' file to translate the key to plain text.

Add an entry like

and the result will be:

Define different sequences

If you want to have different sequences, you can add a second 'Object Generator' and 'Number Generator' for 'type_Dictionary'  with a different revision. But be aware: it is a new entry and not a revision of the first one !

We set 'A SingleCount' as revision for our first generator and for the second one we use 'B DoubleCount'.

The String 'SingleCount' and 'DoubleCount' will be available in the lookup field in plain text as defined in 'emxFrameworkStringResource.properties'


Define different sequences with only one translation

To translate the sequence key into plain text in a more common way, you can use the revision of the generator objects and split it into a variable and an identification part.


In our example we use   'A SingleCount' and 'B DoubleCount' in revision. ENOVIA V6 splits the revision on the blank into:







This is the reason, why we have two different entries in the properties file.


For a common way, we change the revision of the objects in MATRIX to 'Single Count' and 'Double Count'








and modify the properties file also :


The placeholder {0} will be replaced by the dynamic part. See the results :



With the 'Object Generator' and 'Number Generator' object ENOVIA V6 is simple to configure for required sequences. Through the dynamic/static part in the revision, it is also simple to define different sequences and translate them in plaintext at once.




The next chapter will contain the type specific Action menu and how to modify it


Entry for 'emxFrameworkStringResource.properties' file

emxFramework.Type.Dictionary.Autoname.Count = {0} Count


MQL to modify command

mod command DICTCreateNewDictionary

href ${COMMON_DIR}/emxCreate.jsp?type=type_Dictionary&header=Dictionary&form=type_Dictionary&policy=policy_Dictionary&nameField=autoName;

add businessobject "eService Object Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Single Count"

vault "eService Administration"

policy "eService Object Generator"

owner creator

description "Object Generator for Dictionary"

"eService Name Prefix" DICT-

"eService Name Suffix" -01

"eService Retry Delay" 1000

"eService Retry Count" 5

"eService Safety Vault" vault_eServiceAdministration

"eService Processing Time Limit" 60

"eService Safety Policy" policy_Dictionary;



add businessobject "eService Number Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Single Count"

vault "eService Administration"

policy "eService Object Generator"

owner creator

description "Number Generator for Dictionary"

"eService Next Number" 000001;



add connection "eService Number Generator"

from "eService Object Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Single Count"

to "eService Number Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Single Count";


add businessobject "eService Object Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Double Count"

vault "eService Administration"

policy "eService Object Generator"

owner creator

description "Object Generator for Dictionary"

"eService Name Prefix" DICT-

"eService Name Suffix" -02

"eService Retry Delay" 1000

"eService Retry Count" 5

"eService Safety Vault" vault_eServiceAdministration

"eService Processing Time Limit" 60

"eService Safety Policy" policy_Dictionary;



add businessobject "eService Number Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Double Count"

vault "eService Administration"

policy "eService Object Generator"

owner creator

description "Number Generator for Dictionary"

"eService Next Number" 000001;



add connection "eService Number Generator"

from "eService Object Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Double Count"

to "eService Number Generator" "type_Dictionary" "Double Count";


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